VoIP - The end of hard communications

Every marketer aims to fulfill customers’ desires. Better customer satisfaction is important because:
  1. It increases customers repurchase
  2. Create stronger bonds
  3. Increases the customer lifetime value
  4. It can reduce negative talks about the business
According to research by GetVoiP states that customer experience leaders drive revenue growth of 4-8% above their market. These results are achieved because of:
  • stronger loyalty among the clients
  • people turning into promoters
  • more recommendations
The general ways of improving customer satisfaction may seem outdated. But people are using their vast knowledge and laziness to make the boring more interesting and the hard - easier.

Many businesses lack communication skills and tools. The customers find it hard to connect with the manager, the CEO, or any other of the staff.

Customers want these things which can be achieved through strong communication system:
  1. They want to be contacted
  2. They want to be be given the right to express their opinions
  3. They want the company to demonstrate that it knows it’s customers
  4. They want to have easy access to a telephone connection with the company leaders/executives
There are many requirements and standards are high. Everyone is looking for the perfect ratio between efficiency and cost.

Telecommunications are a crucial part of the business strategy. VoIP systems meet the requirements of business owners around the world.

Anyone who owns or runs a small business knows that when it comes to their monthly bills, a few extra bucks can mean the difference between seeing a green or black print on your balance sheet.

That's why over the past few years, smaller business owners have begun migrating their traditional landline phone systems to VoIP instead. But what exactly are the benefits and what are the risks associated with compared to standard telephone plans?
In this article, you’ll get the answers to these questions plus a few great pieces of advice.

What is VoIP?

Voice over Internet Protocol is a term used to describe Internet telephony. Unlike traditional corded phones, this service uses the Internet to receive and make calls.

The countries most commonly used by VOIP services are:
  1. the USA
  2. Japan
  3. France
  4. South Korea
  5. Germany
  6. China
These countries also account for about 80% of the market share of VOIP providers. Other smaller countries are experiencing rapid growth in this service, but their impact on global trends is small.

You can get the service from a VoIP service provider. This will allow you to make and receive calls through a broadband connection. Skype is the most popular example for a VoIP service.

You can use any type of phone. There are special ones called IP phones. They are designed for VoIP and have some extra features. You’ll also need a software /softphone/ for online-based services. It runs on PCs, mobile devices, and WebRTC-enabled browsers. In other cases, you may be required a phone adapter.
However, the Internet connection is your top priority.

PRO TIP: A weak connection leads to bad communication. To avoid a bad connection, make calls through a strong and reliable internet connection

How does VoIP work?

VoIP isn’t much different than the other data we send through the Internet. It converts the voice message into data packets that are sent over the IP network.

The core idea of the service is to reduce your solution needs. It combines your voice and message communications onto one.

All of your data is stored in a cloud and you can easily access it using an online dashboard or a VoIP software.

VoIP - make your communications easier

VoIP outperforms the standard ways of telephone communications. It has its disadvantages as well. However, their solutions can be found and implemented within a few days.

VoIP services will lower your expenses

VoIP can be helpful in reducing communication and infrastructure costs. It allows you to quickly change the base of the virtual PBX: switch subscribers on or off.

We mentioned about the cloud storage. Most of the functionality is implemented through it.
A virtual PBX allows you to build an office structure, regardless of the size of the business. At the same time, digital communications systems make it possible to use virtual data exchange channels within a single branch network.
This eliminates the need to install equipment in all offices and branches.

Better security

Most of the difficulties of creating a secure telephone connection over traditional telephone lines, such as digitization and digital transmission, are already feasible through VoIP.
All that is needed is to encrypt and identify the existing data stream.

VoIP is a high-quality service which will improve your customer service

As we said, happy customers will help you grow your business. As an executive, you’ll need to make and receive a lot of phone calls.

If your customers find to hard to connect with you because:
  • you are out of the country
  • you haven’t paid your taxes
  • your mobile operator has a problem
They will not tolerate this completely. We usually put ourselves in the first place. If something isn’t efficient enough, people will find a better solution.
VoIP services have provided solutions to the above problem and many others. That’s why you won’t need to worry about unsatisfied customers.

VoIP removes restrictions from a distance

Employees are always in contact no matter where they work. It is no longer necessary to allocate means of communication on business trips and calls to branches. VoIP combines all company numbers into a common network.

It allows you to:
  • hold conferences
  • meetings or video presentations
  • automatically divert calls to your desired subscribers
  • perform other activities that facilitate fast communication
  • communicate more easily from any point on the globe

Easy data management

IP and traditional telephony are different in that the first one allows you to access all statistics to determine the scope of costs. You can set outbound connection restrictions for specific subscribers.

Most IP hardware phones use SIP protocols because they work independently of the computer.

The benefits of SIP-telephony make it easy to connect and you do not need to place extra lines. Moreover, thanks to the features of the channel, cheap SIP is also provided

VoIP disadvantages

  1. In case of an internet connection problem, your services are interrupted
  2. Require technical knowledge to configure the entire PBX
  3. Poor network quality may affect sound quality
These problems can be easily removed by paying for wireless mobile networks /4G, 3G, etc./ and finding some relevant information.

Does your business need VoIP?

Every business has ways to connect with customers that build trust and can dramatically increase your profits. When you start a site, you add a contact form because it makes it easier for users to connect with you.

Depending on the business, sometimes users may prefer a quick and urgent way to contact you. That's why many businesses offer live chat or phone numbers on the site. Offering consumers more than one way to connect can dramatically increase customer satisfaction and, as a result, get more sales.

Whether you run an online store or a business website to sell services, if you use this service, it will help grow your business without investing heavily.

Visitors can easily call you for pre-sale questions or even ask for advice.

In short, the VoIP service enables you to better manage and track your calls, collect customer information, and build stronger relationships with your customers. Analyze your situation and decide if you need the service.


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