
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Lazy Man's Guide To Productive Time Wasting

We are taught to make the most of our lives. Do something every... single... moment. Learn, grow and develop yourself. I agree with this teaching. I do it every day. Yet this time I'll not stick it. This time I am going to share with the world my other obsession - Productive Time Wasting.  I'm a workaholic and super ambitious. It took time until I learned how to take a break and there is still work to be done. When I take time for myself my biggest goal is to relax my whole being. After practicing this for a while I noticed some strange habits of mine. My mind was relaxing while it was still working. Instead of giving up I decided to embrace this weirdness of mine. I will share with you my ways to develop yourself while wasting your time…productively. Daydreaming My imagination is my best friend. It gets me out of trouble. It helps me to write. It helps me to live. I love reading books. All these pages have stuck in my head. They tend to mix with moments from my l

These amazing tactics will get your content shared

Conversions, high open rates, and high average time on page are the dream of every marketer. Social shares can skyrocket those metrics. In this post on  Digital Rose , I'll show you how to get your content shared. Make people want to read your content Before we even talk about getting shares you need to make people read your content. 80% of them read the headline and the rest 20% - the copy.  59% will share without reading the article. This means you’ll need to step up your headline game. How to catch attention with your post? There аre many formulas for writing headlines. Everyone is a proven professional. When you read some articles on the topic you will get the main idea. BuzzSumo has done it in their research : How to… The future of… You need to… Why you should… Can learn from… These are the top choices for your headline. Here are several more: Top ways to… 7 best… 10 ways to… How to write headlines that make people read your content? Let’s talk