The Lazy Man's Guide To Productive Time Wasting

We are taught to make the most of our lives. Do something every... single... moment. Learn, grow and develop yourself. I agree with this teaching. I do it every day. Yet this time I'll not stick it. This time I am going to share with the world my other obsession - Productive Time Wasting. 
I'm a workaholic and super ambitious. It took time until I learned how to take a break and there is still work to be done. When I take time for myself my biggest goal is to relax my whole being. After practicing this for a while I noticed some strange habits of mine. My mind was relaxing while it was still working. Instead of giving up I decided to embrace this weirdness of mine. I will share with you my ways to develop yourself while wasting your time…productively.


My imagination is my best friend. It gets me out of trouble. It helps me to write. It helps me to live. I love reading books. All these pages have stuck in my head. They tend to mix with moments from my life. The mixture that forms can’t be described with words. My dreams, desires, goals, and everything between is there - in my head. Then I lay down and I dive into this bottomless sea of dreams.
One day I found Napoleon Hill’s books. His ideas inspired me. I also read about the Law of attraction. Now I can control my thoughts. I practice visualization. To do it you have to take your goals and start making different scenarios. Put yourself in hard situations. You want something but there are obstacles. How can you get it? Aim to answer this question. Daydreaming is mental preparation for your success.


I am a night writer. Before I go deep into history, I do the same thing every time. I scratch. At first strange twists filled my sheet. They turned into words. The words – into sentences. The sentences – into a plan.
I don’t re-write the same plan. Sometimes I'll write a new point in the plan. I shorten some of them. I like to turn my ideas into drawings. Thus the paper fills with cartoons too. At the core of this scratch are several basic ideas – family, me, love, goals, improvements, dreams. The question that unites them is “How can I contribute to (insert)?” Again we are finding ways to reach our goal.

Listening to Music

A lot of entrepreneurs/influencers tell us to start listening to podcasts instead of music. I do listen to podcasts a lot but music is my way to go. Why? It makes you feel. When we listen to music we experience a range of emotions. Or to put it another way, music teaches us to feel.
Commit to the song entirely. That is such a blessing. Different types of music bring out different emotions. I ‘m committed to music because it can help us get in touch with our emotions to help us heal.


This item wouldn’t be on the list if there weren’t people who qualify it as a time-waster. We all have heard about the power of knowledge. Books are like the first-class roads for this purpose. It’s a lifelong ride but it’s worth it. 
What can we do? Read. Search for books that have withstood the power of time. The real wisdom is on their pages. To find them we have to read. I hope you got the idea.

Seek Out Answers

Do you want the answers to some crazy questions? Then instead of scrolling through Facebook use your phone to find the answers. You may end up with some extraordinary knowledge or even more questions. Either way, your brain will be thankful for the workout.

Visual Learner

Sometimes you may not feel like reading a book. That doesn’t stop you from learning. TED offers a wide variety of talks and educational videos. You can also try webinars, podcasts and many more. If there's a will, there's a way.

Make a Gratitude List

Have you heard about the Law of Attraction? Well, it states that you attract what you think about. Thus a positive mindset attracts positive events. 
A gratitude list is a perfect way to boost your motivation. It can also help you feel better when you are upset. Even when you think the world is against you it’s always possible to find something to appreciate.

Plan Your Way to Success

15 minutes of planning can save up to an hour. At the end of the day, you are still in work mode. Use it and write a plan for the next day. That way you won’t have to worry about forgetting to do something and boosts your productivity.


It doesn’t matter how you do it. The point is to do it. If you want something, you will find a way to achieve it. Don’t forget to enjoy life’s goods! Strive boldly!


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