A 5-Step Online Branding Guide (That ANYONE Can Follow)

In our fast-paced world, we need fast-growing businesses. This means that your brand has to exist in two different worlds. The one is our world and the other is in the vast Online world.

“A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers” (American Marketing Association).

This is the definition of ‘brand’:

Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand (Kotler & Keller, 2015)
And this is the definition of ‘branding’. The second world is a powerful digital marketing strategy. It builds real results over months, years, decades and so on. It doesn’t produce them immediately like a PPC campaign but branding is a very valuable marketing asset.

The first steps of building your brand online presence aren’t as difficult and scary as they seem. Here are strategies for growing your brand’s reach online.

Optimize Your Website

Despite 97% of online users, only half of businesses have websites. This means that a website gives you a big competitive advantage.

Your brand’s website is its’ second home. Make it convenient not only for the business but for the customers too. Some things to optimize are mobile-friendliness, loading time, content, URL, etc. Click-to-call buttons are a must. Don’t forget to make people click them.

If you decide to step up your game consider adding live chat, giveaways, app, etc.

Choosing the Right Platforms for Your Business

Going small is equal to going big. Social media presence is important but you don’t have to be on every platform.

In most cases, people go with the Big Three; LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. LinkedIn is perfect for networking, Twitter excels in conversations. Facebook is for building the loyalty of your current customers.

After you have chosen the right platforms for your brand, start to engage people. 20 minutes a day are enough to choose and publish content that your customers would enjoy. The 80/20 rule works for social media as well. Try to have 80% of the shared content to be created by others and 20% by you.

Create Compelling Content

        Content is King but engagement is Queen and the lady rules the house.
-Mari Smith

Don’t limit yourself to blogging. Businesses should develop several forms of content that are engaging. For example:
  • Videos
  • Host a podcast
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Ebooks
  • Webinars, online courses, workshops
Create high-quality and engaging content and it will be distributed by the leading names in your industry and your audience.  

Email Marketing

Using an effective email marketing strategy is an essential tool for building brand awareness. Building strong relationships with an email list is an established marketing strategy for boosting sales and strengthening your business position. Your customers visit their inbox almost every day. That’s your target.

66% of customers make a
purchase as a result of an email marketing message

– Digital Marketing

Email marketing is your chance to reach loyal customers regularly and directly and is the most cost-effective marketing medium.

Find a Mentor

Surround yourself with experienced people. Learn from them. Let them help you grown. This technique benefits not only you but your brand as well.

When you network with influential people, consumers begin to associate your name with them and your brand with stronger brands.

Does your brand use its full potential?

Branding is often neglected by marketers. Don’t make this mistake. Understand your customers and interact with them. Guest blog, share infographics, discover new horizons. A powerful brand, a powerful asset.


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