Best self-care practices to make you feel better

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time
One of my biggest mistakes was not taking enough care for myself. I would concentrate on utilizing every hour with work and beating myself up when I "wasted" time relaxing. This led to a lot of sadness, misery, and tiredness. Now I take as much time for myself as I need. It is hard and you will need time 'till you catch the pace BUT it is all worth it.

Spending time with yourself and for yourself is very important. As a high school student, I have a busy schedule. Also, I'm a demanding person and have a lot of goals. I work very hard to fulfill them.

Self-Care is not a task for today's To-Do List

This is not a thing you can do once and tick it off your task list. You should practice self-care daily.

With a little bit of practice, you will get to know yourself better and feel better.

Some of us might find relaxing to "speed it up": Dancing, sports, going out, etc. Others just want to slow down. It's up to you! The main point is to care for your Mind, Body, and Soul.

Tiny Self-Care Ideas for the Mind

  • Take another route to work/school/home. Changing something simple can make our ordinary life special.
  • Wander in the city. One of the best ways to clear your mind and possibly find a new favorite place.
  • Get away from that phone! Maybe social media make you jealous/sad/unhappy? 
  • Clean. First, you will do a small task. Second, you may find sth important or/& interesting. Third, it makes you feel refreshed.
  • Eat alone. Have a meal all by yourself. Eat whatever the HELL you want! Just enjoy your company. You can even talk

Itty Bitty Ideas for the Body

  • Do some sports. Sports are an integral part of my life! When you work out your body releases hormones called endorphin aka "The hormone of happiness". Sports keep you fit. You can socialize. You can understand your body better.
  • Take a bath. Warm water will help you lose tension in your muscles and it can relieve headaches.
  • Stretch. This will make you more flexible and you will get distracted from your busy/demanding schedule.
  • Make your own SPA. Fresh up and glo up gal!
  • Eat and/or drink. Have you eaten already? Are you thirsty? Enjoy a healthy meal with a friend.

Tips for the Soul

  • Read a book. Books are such magic. You find and create all kinds of Worlds. You find new friends and also learn more about yourself.
  • Meditate. There are a lot of benefits: better concentration, more control over your thoughts, cope with anxiety and depression.
  • Music. Music is healing, restful and restorative. It always says the things we cannot with words.
  • Deep breathing. By breathing deeply, you regulate your parasympathetic nervous system, and your body will begin to relax.
  • Stop. Stop! Take time to reflect on your life. Think about your goals, feelings: 
Does my lifestyle fulfill me? 
Am I truly at peace with myself and others? 
Am I carrying any unnecessary old wounds? 
Who and what do I need to forgive?


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