Why Your Marketing Funnels is Missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix It)

A marketing funnel plays a big role in B2B sales. It is one of the steps in converting Internet users from potential customers to real clients. The idea of a marketing funnel stems from the classic Marketing concept: AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Decision, Action). The funnel is divided into four parts as mentioned above. In each of them, the potential client takes action which converts him to a real client. For each business, it’s different depending on the goals. How it works Potential customers are infused by the wide section of the funnel. That is the so-called ‘unaware’ stage. Those who don’t have money, don’t need the product, don’t rush to buy gradually sift away. The second part is the ‘Interest’. You have to get people's attention here. Convince them why they need that product, how it can help them, what are the benefits. Visual content, promotions, games, and prizes, are ways to grab the attention of the audience. The third section is tricky. You still have ...