3 Aspiring Young Lady Entrepreneurs

People say that the new generation always surpasses the previous. This applies to the business sphere as well. In this fast-paced world, people try to keep up with it. This leads to making your income in very innovative ways. One of them is entrepreneurship. Here are 3 aspiring young lady entrepreneurs. ERICA DOUGLASS Erica Douglass became a millionaire at the young age of 26. She sold her web hosting company for $1,100,000.00. Many people asked her how she became so successful. The interesting thing was she hadn't had an answer! In February 2011 Erica created her very own website called Female Entrepreneur Association . She aims to make an impact on the world. A HUGE IMPACT! She wants to share her knowledge with female entrepreneurs like her, find a cure for the Celiac disease and pursue her many other goals. What a determined lady! Lauren Bush This beauty is the CEO and co-founder of FEED Projects. She is a former model and soon after that, she became a ...